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Blog Post

Child Care During COVID-19

  • By 7014829650
  • 25 Mar, 2020

How we have adapted our procedures to fit the times

Bright Eyes recently made the decision to remain open as the number of cases of the Coronavirus have increased in VA.  While this decision has been a difficult one to come to and is one we re-evaluate at the start of each morning, we feel it is important to offer quality child care for our parents who are still required to work.  

In following with DSS and VDH guidelines, we have decreased the number of students in each classroom, drastically increased our procedures for sanitizing and are actively encouraging activities that create space between students.  Luckily, one of the easiest ways to encourage this distancing is through outdoor play!

As a staff, we are focusing our preventive efforts on 3 main goals:

(1).  Daily Health Checks on our students.  From the time they are dropped off, we monitor our students for signs and symptoms of illness.  If we see any signs of illness, we remove the student from the classroom and require that they are 24 hour symptom free (without medication) in order to return.  

(2). Proper Handwashing is crucial in preventing the spread of this illness .  We encourage our students to sing a song as they lather and then rinse their hands thoroughly.  

(3) Sneezing and Coughing into your elbow are habits that also help keep our hands clean and reduce the sharing of germs.  We work with our students from a young age to use their elbows.  Of almost equal importance is reminding our students (and teachers!) not to touch their face.  

Our main goal is always to provide a safe, comfortable and engaging environment for our students.  We recognize that many of our parents are working on the front lines of this illness in the hospitals, stores and emergency services.  Our daily goal is to support our families so that they can continue to support our community.

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