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Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA | Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties


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Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA
 Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties
Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA    Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties
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An overview of our Programs:


All of our programs focus first and foremost on the social and emotional health of your child. Once children know they are safe and cared for, they are in a position to learn!

In our younger classrooms, our teachers introduce basic sign language to empower students to communicate their needs with regards to food and napping.

In each of our classrooms, at least one of our teachers speaks Spanish. Young children are sponges! They are quick to pick up and understand vocabulary in Spanish as their brain is capable of re-wiring to accommodate an additional language. If only adults could learn so quickly!

Our classrooms encourage hands on exploration of themes and concepts. Music and movement are crucial methods for learning at all ages.

While we focus on providing developmentally appropriate activities for each child, we also recognize the importance of child-led, free play. To this end, we place a large focus on outdoor play, with most of our classes spending two or more hours each day outside. Fresh air does the body good!

Infant Class 

Our Infant classroom is comprised of children six weeks of age through the beginning stages of mobility.

In the classroom, we encourage children to build up their core-strength by limiting their exposure to restrictive equipment. We encourage them to explore tummy time, rolling and sitting up at their own pace.

All of our Infants are on an on-demand schedule. We nap them when they are tired and feed them when they are hungry. If you are following a set schedule at home, we will strive to mimic that schedule at Bright Eyes as closely as possible.

Children remain in our Infant room until they are able to capably crawl and are showing an increased desire to interact with their environment.

Waddler Class - Mobility -  18 Months

Children transition to our Waddler classroom when they are comfortably mobile and remain in the classroom until they are between 16-18 months and developmentally ready to transition to the next classroom.

Similarly to the Infant room, the Waddler classroom operates on an on-demand schedule that allows us to meet the individual needs of each child. 

Once our Waddlers have transitioned down to one nap a day, are competent walkers, are following simple instructions and are self-feeding, they are ready to begin their transition to the Toddler classroom. 
Letter identification

Toddler Class - 18 Months to 28 Months 

The Toddler classroom runs on a set schedule. Children in this classroom are encouraged to focus on verbal communication to express themselves. 

Through art, music and movement, children can explore colors, numbers and letter sounds. Children at this age love to get their hands dirty and we love to provide sensory activities and process art to meet those needs.

Beginning in the Toddler classroom and continuing through Prekindergarten, Bright Eyes provides a healthy morning and afternoon snack each day. 

Parents who wish to begin potty training their Toddlers will receive the full support of our staff.

Twos and Training Class - 28 months to 40 months

Our teachers in our Twos and Training class focus on empowering children with their own self-care (including independence in the bathroom and hand washing, cleaning up after themselves before and after lunch and dressing themselves). We also recognize the importance teaching students to advocate for themselves. We allow them to explore concepts of body autonomy while also introducing basic steps for conflict-resolution.

For most students, The Twos and Training classroom allows them to finalize their potty training. Note: Bright Eyes does not have a potty training age requirement. We train when both student and parent(s) are ready. 

Threes Class

Our Three’s class focuses on mastering larger emotions so that our children can effectively communicate their needs and feelings. We model and discuss healthy forms of communication, empathy, and respect. Our threes learn developmentally appropriate ways to advocate for themselves and to resolve conflicts with peers. 

Prekindergarten Class - 4 to 5 years

Our Prekindergarten Program is for children from four to five years of age. Our goal is to send them off to Kindergarten ready to succeed both academically and socially, while also allowing them to enjoy their last couple of years of free play. 

Our Prek students leave us knowing the Kindergarten basics of writing their first and last names, counting up to 30, alphabet identification and a few sigh words. It is just as important to us that our students leave our Center knowing how to advocate for themselves (express their needs and wants) as well as knowing how to resolve an issue with a peer in a calm and pragmatic manner. 
Nurture your little ones future with our effective child care programs.
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Our child care center is licensed with the Department of Social Services.
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