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Now Hiring Teachers & Assistant Teachers!

Bright Eyes Community Child Care Center - Logo
Now Enrolling Appointment Request Form
Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA | Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties

Rates and Availability

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Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA 
Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties
 Located at Pantops in Charlottesville, VA  Serving Charlottesville and the Surrounding Counties
Call Us Today

Enrollment At Bright Eyes

At Bright Eyes Community Child Care Center we have a one-time registration fee of $50.00 and an annual enrollment costs of $100.00. These fees must be paid along with first week's tuition fee in order to reserve a space for your child. This non-refundable payment insures that there will be available for your child on the agreed upon start date. 

Expectant parents need to confirm in a 2-week window for a start date at our childcare center. Current parents need to provide us with an exact start date for their child. 

Give us a call 
at 434-984-4150 for the most up-to-date information on our admission availability.
Rate prices
Our teachers will provide your child with personalized child care and an engaging curriculum at Bright Eyes Community Child Care Center. Enroll your child today!
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